World Tapa Day to be observed in Vietnamese restaurants

The Spanish Embassy in Vietnam on June 3 held a press conference to introduce the World Tapa Day in Vietnam and activities to celebrate the event.

Portions of a Tapa dish served at the press conference

Tapa is a Spanish dish that often served up as a snack or as an appetizer in bars and restaurants. 

At the press conference, Spanish Ambassador to Vietnam María Jesús Figa expressed her delight to introduce part of Spanish cuisine to Vietnamese friends, adding that the World Tapa Day offers a special chance to explore Spanish cuisine. 

The World Tapa Day will be celebrated in more than 20 restaurants in Hanoi, the central city of Da Nang and the southern largest economic hub of Ho Chi Minh City from June 20-23, with promotional programmes arranged for diners. 

In addition, a contest on Tapa recipes and quizzes on Spanish cuisine is underway on the Facebook page of the embassy.

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