Vietnamese artists to participate in Filipino charity event

More than 50 works of 40 international and 17 Filipino artists will be displayed at Galleria Duemila, Pasay City, in the Philippines on April 5.

Vietnamese artists participating in the exhibition include Trinh Tuan, Vu Pham Truong Minh, Hoang Duy Vang, Pham Huy Thong, Nguyen Ngoc Phuong, Nguyen Tran Cuong, Nguyen Xuan Anh and Bang Sy Truc. 

The proceeds from the exhibition, which is titled "Hayan International Fund Raising Art Exhibition", will fund My Shelter Foundation's Liter of Light Programme which aims to aid the 27,000 victims of storm Haiyan, which struck last November, with a sum of US$9 per person. 

The programme also looks to provide low-cost solar-powered light to damaged areas, create employment to the local people and teach "green living" skills and offer support to the local community.

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