Vietnam joins Asia Pacific Ladies’ Charity Bazaar

(VOV) -The Vietnam Embassy in Tokyo participated in the 39th Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society (ALFS) Festival and Charity Bazaar held on April 8, 2015 at the ANA Intercontinental Hotel in Tokyo.

The Bazaar is a yearly project of the ALFS, an organization of spouses of ambassadors and ladies from Japan and the Asia Pacific region.

Proceeds from the annual Bazaar are given to charitable institutions in each member country.

This year’s Bazaar was graced by Her Imperial Highness Princess Hitachi and the spouse of Vietnam’s Ambassador to Vietnam.

More than 3,000 guests visited the Bazaar, where they had a chance to buy local products and sample traditional cuisine from the Asia-Pacific countries.

Popular among the guests were Vietnamese made artefacts. Vietnamese traditional dishes were also a big hit.

The ALFS was established more than 45 years ago, and has a long list of accomplishments in deepening understanding and friendship among Asia-Pacific women and their families.

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