‘Swedish Dads' photography award winners revealed

VOV.VN - Gender equality is key to the development of Vietnam and can positively contribute to the advancement of the country in the future, says the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MoCST).

Inspired by the role models of Swedish dads, the MoCST together with the Swedish Embassy in Hanoi invited Vietnamese photographers to capture the very daily moments of dads and their children in a photo contest entitled ‘Swedish Dads’.

“Changing gender stereotypes is very important in Vietnam,” said Ms Nguyen Phuong Hoa, deputy director general of the MoCST International Cooperation Department in reference to the contest.

By participating in this competition, they will in a visual way contribute to promoting gender equality and encourage the sharing of responsibilities between spouses of Vietnamese families including child care and household chores.

Photographer Huynh Nam Dong won the first prize in the contest, which was worth in-kind VND10 million.

His photo depicts a young father cuddling his premature new-born on his chest, giving him skin-to-skin contact.

Photographer Tran Thiet Dung captured a Mong man walking down a narrow mountainous pathway with his children on the Hà Giang karst plateau to earn second prize and VND8 million.

The third prize and VND7 million will be voted by the online community via Facebook.

All Vietnamese citizens were eligible to participate and more than 1,000 photos were submitted in the competition.

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