Retired Korean teacher with deep sentiments towards Vietnam

Kim Jai-min, a retired teacher in the Republic of Korea (RoK), has turned his photos on Vietnam into watercolour paintings, which are displayed at Gallery Yeonjung in the RoK’s Incheon city.

The photos were taken by the retired teacher during his trips to Vietnam over the past 30 years, capturing the beauty of the country and people in Vietnamese localities like My Tho, Vinh Long, Can Tho and Chau Doc (An Giang).

The exhibition takes place at a time when the two countries are preparing for the 30th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties (December 22, 1992-2022).

Kim told the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)’s correspondents that he has made some 30 trips to Vietnam since 1993, expressing his deep sentiments towards the country and people of Vietnam.

Over the past 10 years, he has turned the photos into watercolour paintings, mainly to present Vietnamese in the RoK, helping them to ease their homesick.

Apart from two books on Vietnam written by himself and published in 1994 and 2005, Kim is also the co-author of another published in 2015, helping Koreans understand more about Vietnam.

He also participated in a programme organised by the RoK’s EBS TV to promote the image of Vietnam.

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