Photo book features Vietnam's sea, islands

Journalist Gian Thanh Son will release a photo book featuring the beauty of Vietnamese sea and islands that he has photographed during the last 20 years.

The photo book titled Vietnam's Islands and Coastline Seen from Above is expected to be published in September. The book will be compiled as a pictorial chronicle of the sea and islands of Vietnam. 

"I have decided to print the book on this occasion because I want to contribute to the affirmation of Vietnam's sovereignty over its sea and islands," stated Son of the Ho Chi Minh City's Police newspaper. "I also wish to publicize the photos depicting the natural beauty of the sea and islands of Vietnam, which I have had an opportunity to fly over." 

"I hope the beauty of the sea and islands that I have captured through my lens will inspire and strengthen patriotism among the Vietnamese." 

The photo book will also be a milestone marking the 20th year Son has been taking aerial pictures. Son will consult with experts to provide an introduction to each photo. 

The idea of taking aerial pictures flashed across his mind while he was on a field trip in the Con Dao Island in 2003. Viewing through the plane's windows, he was amazed by the natural beauty of the country below. 

Since then he has taken good use of flying trips to capture the country from above. In addition, Son is allowed to appear for flight training by 917 Aviation Regiment, where he can take pictures of every corner of the country. 

"Vietnam has a long coastline with thousands of islands, which cannot be captured comprehensively in a few years," Son noted, adding: "I hope more colleagues have the same purpose like me in taking photos of the sea and islands of Vietnam." 

Born in 1957, the photo journalist has launched several publications including Politician Portraits, Integration Milestone and Nick Ut - A Simple Legend. 

He has also set the national record of being the photographer who has taken the highest number of aerial landscape photos.

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