Pham Huong inundated with compliments from fans

VOV.VN - Former Miss Vietnam titleholder Pham Huong turned model and university lecturer has reportedly spent the past few months immersed in a gruelling training regime to get into top physical shape.

It looks as though her hard work has paid off as fans attending a cultural exchange on March 19 flock around her with remarks including “how gorgeous” and “stunningly beautiful.”

The Vietnam-Japan cultural exchange in Hanoi finds local fans flocking around their idol hoping to get a chance for a photo op or an autograph.

But it’s her amazing figure that has fans buzzing and that is garnering all the compliments.

Locally acclaimed singer Vu Cat Tuong performs at the event.

So does Noo Phuoc Thinh.

At the end of the event, Huong participates in an awards presentation ceremony.

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