New drama for children hits summer holiday

IDECAF Stage, a leading private drama troupe in HCM City, is preparing to stage a new play for children and young audiences this weekend to welcome Children’s Day on June 1 and summer holiday.

The musical, Truy Tim Thuy Long (Finding Water Dragon), staged by IDECAF Stage, features the stories and adventures of the Princess of the Sea, her husband, a poor man living in a fishing village, and her children. It will be staged this weekend to welcome Children’s Day on June 1 and the summer holiday. Photo

The musical, Truy Tim Thuy Long (Finding Water Dragon), features the stories and adventures of the Princess of the Sea, her husband, a poor man living in a fishing village, and her children.

It highlights bravery, honestly, love and friendship.

Its messages encourage children and youngsters to work together to oppose negative forces.     

The play features young talents from IDECAF such as Tuan Khoi and Huong Giang, graduates of the HCM City University of Theatre and Cinematography.   

As in previous years, this summer IDECAF has spent several hundreds millions of dong on the production.

The play’s director Vu Minh has worked with costume designers and theatre specialists to add a realistic element through 100 pieces of beautiful clothes, many accessories and interior design suited to the play’s theme.

“Our producer composed new songs in electronic and dance music to highlight the play’s theme,” said Minh, one of the city’s few theatre directors of musicals.

Twenty actors, including well-known comedians Le Khanh and Dinh Toan, sing, dance, pantomime and circus tricks in the play.

"We hope children enjoy and discover something about life, love and themselves through our art," said Minh, adding that his show will dazzle young audiences.

The production, Truy Tim Thuy Long, is part of Ngay Xua Ngay Xua (Once Upon A Time), a theatre programme for children launched by IDECAF in 2000. 

The programme’s artists, including Meritorious Artist Thanh Loc and Huu Chau, have offered more than 30 plays and 800 shows for several thousand children and teenagers.

Many disadvantaged children at open houses and shelters have also been entertained for free. 

“I believe theatre helps to improve children’s souls and character,” said IDCAF theatre director and actor Loc, who has more than 30 years of experience in theatre. 

The first show of Truy Tim Thuy Long will open at Ben Thanh Theatre, 6 Mac Dinh Chi Street, District 1, at 8pm on May 25. Tickets are available at the box office.   

It will be staged every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night through June. 

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New shows for children hit the stage
New shows for children hit the stage

Theatres in Hanoi are busy launching new shows ahead of International Children's Day on June 1 and the upcoming summer holidays. This season's offerings are diverse and exciting as theatres continue to invest in quality programming.

New shows for children hit the stage

New shows for children hit the stage

Theatres in Hanoi are busy launching new shows ahead of International Children's Day on June 1 and the upcoming summer holidays. This season's offerings are diverse and exciting as theatres continue to invest in quality programming.