Journalists discuss American War
Nearly 100 Vietnamese and foreigners will participate in a journalism and press workshop focused on the work of journalists during the Anti-American war in Vietnam on April 24 at the National Information Centre.
The workshop is one in a series of three related workshops. The first, titled, Press on War Topic: Theory and Practice, will take place at the Journalism Institute on April 24. The Experience of Using Various Genres of Press during the Revolutionary War in Vietnam workshop is scheduled for April 25 at the Military Guess House.
The series will gather foreign speakers, including Juergen Gimm, Andreas Enzmingder, and Thomas Bauer from the University of Vienna; and Naser Miftari and Remzie Shahini Hoxhaj from the University of Kosovo.
The workshop at the National Information Centre will host 20 veteran journalists of the Vietnam News Agency, Quan Doi Nhan Dan (People's Army) and Tien Phong (Vanguard) newspapers. Tran Mai Huong, Chu Chi Thanh, Pham Hoat and Duong Duc Quang are scheduled to speak about their experiences working as journalists and living through the war.
Forty war photos, taken by domestic and foreign journalists, will also be on display at the National Information Centre. The workshop will start at 2pm on April 24 at 5 Ly Thuong Kiet Street.