Hungarian folk dances in Hanoi

(VOV) - Hanoians were deeply impressed with Hungarian folkloric dances presented by Hungary’s Duna art troupe at a performance in the capital city on April 21.

The dancers displayed an absolutely fascinating stylistic spectacle of special and highly individualised improvisation, with dances from the Kalotaszeg, Transylvania, Mehkerek, Somogy, Kalocsa, Sarkoz, Szatmar and Nyirseg regions set to the enthralling rhythm of music and lyrics from Carpat valley.

They also performed a number of more contemporary dances, adaptations from the more traditional Hungarian heritage.

With an exceptional mix of artists and dancers, the traditional Hungarian dances inspired the audience, making them feel a bit more familiar with Hungarian folklore.

Duna art troupe has taken part in the recent Hue Festival.

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