First Detective Conan film premieres in Vietnam in August

"Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare”, a Japanese animated film released in 2016, will have its big-screen premiere in Vietnam on August 5.

It is the 20th feature episode of the animated series based on the manga series “Detective Conan” about a teenage genius detective trapped in a boy’s body written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama.

The 112-minute-long film will roll out in theatres across the country to thrill Vietnamese fans of the manga series.

Directed by Kobun Shizuno, it was first released in Japan on April 16, 2016.

According to the Anime News Network, the film was number-one in its first weekend in Japan with 934,000 admissions and US$11.1 million in gross, the highest opening weekend gross in the franchise’s history.

After 12 weeks in release, the film has generated US$57.3 million in gross.

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French famous detective movies to be screened in Hanoi
French famous detective movies to be screened in Hanoi

Local moviegoers should make it to a free French detective film programme to be held in Hanoi from September 1 to October 6.

French famous detective movies to be screened in Hanoi

French famous detective movies to be screened in Hanoi

Local moviegoers should make it to a free French detective film programme to be held in Hanoi from September 1 to October 6.