Contest to find new circus talents kicks off

A contest to find new circus talents nationwide is being organised at the Vietnam National Circus Theatre in Hanoi.

The organisers of this year's event revealed that each entry has been thoroughly vetted in terms of its content, form of expression, arts and entertainment value.

The National Circus Talent 2021 contest is held by the Department of Performing Arts under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in collaboration with the Vietnam Theatre Artists Association, the culture authorities of all provinces and cities nationwide and other related agencies.

The eligible contestants are circus artists currently working in circus troupes or students at circus training institutions across the country.

The organisation board revealed that they have received the registrations of five institutes with 29 performances, divided into various kinds including acrobatics, juggling, balancing, magic, clown, and animal training.

The contest regulates that each registered entry has to be performed twice following the schedule arranged by the organisation board. It must include the basic characteristics of the circus art form and the skill of the performers.

New and experimental performances with creative elements are highly encouraged. The costumes, props and music must suit the content and techniques and the length of each complete performance should last from seven to 12 minutes.

At a recent press meeting in Hanoi, Tran Huong Duong, deputy director of the Department of Performing Arts, said that the number of participating contestants of this year’s event revealed the difficulties facing the circus art.

“While the previous contest attracted ten circus institutes to participate, there are only five this year,” he said.

“In addition to the difficulties in merging the art units that force circus performers to quit or change jobs, the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented the circus troupes from performing and practicing, which has led to the shortage in budget to support the artists from entering the contest."

“The presence of nearly 100 artists participating in the competition demonstrates the efforts of the circuses nationwide to overcome difficulties and maintain their passion for such a difficult art form,” he added.

The National Circus Talent Contest 2021 will be livestreamed on the YouTube channel of Vietnam Performing Arts until April 27.

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