Buying luck at Vieng Market

 On the 8th day of the first lunar month people flock to a unique market in Nam Dinh province, which is held only once a year to sell – guess what – bad luck as well as to buy good luck for the year to come.

This year's market opened at midnight of Jan. 29 and lasted only until Jan 30 morning.

According to the popular belief, any thing bought at the market would bring good luck to the buyer for the whole year.

This spring market displays handicraft products, antiquities and false antiquities, utensils, tools for agriculture production, and many kinds of ornamental plants. Specialties are barbecued veal and “banh day” (sticky rice cake).

The cheapest things at Vieng would be flowers and trees, which bring both the buyer and seller happiness and luck.

From around 2a.m, deals are done under the light of candles or flash-lights. Deals are agreed quickly, as people believe, to keep the luck.

Visitors then can go on to pray for a happy new year at several local temples.
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