Battle rages for key Libyan city

Fierce fighting has rocked Libya's Zawiya, 50km (30 miles) west of Tripoli, as rebels repelled government efforts to retake the key city.

Pro-government forces were pushed out of the city centre in heavy fighting on March 5, but regrouped for a fresh assault.

Casualty figures were unclear, but heavy gunfire could be heard.

Meanwhile, rebels fighting Col Muammar Gaddafi have taken control of the port of Ras Lanuf to the east of Tripoli.

The rebels have pushed further west towards Sirte, Col Gaddafi's heavily guarded hometown, and captured the town of Bin Jawad, 160km (100 miles) from Sirte.

Observers say the overall balance of power is difficult to assess as the struggle for control over Libya continues.

Co Gaddafi meanwhile told the French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche that he wanted "an investigatory commission of the United Nations or the African Union" to come to Libya. "We will let this panel work unhampered," he said.

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