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Submitted by ctv_en_4 on Sat, 07/21/2007 - 14:05
Another Vietnamese Agent Orange victim, who attended the US Court of Appeals hearing on June 18, died at Ho Chi Minh City's ulcer and tumour hospital on July 20, according to the Vietnamese Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin.

Nguyen Thi Hong, 60, was the second person from the four-member delegation of Vietnamese Agent Orange victims to pass away after returning from the US trip. Two weeks ago, Nguyen Van Quy, who had stomach cancer, liver and lung diseases due to exposure to Agent Orange, died in Hai Phong port city.

During wartime, Hong worked as a nurse on the South Eastern battlefield, which suffered US sprays of toxic chemicals. After the war, she lived in Bien Hoa city, where US troops stored the chemicals to be loaded onto aircraft for spraying. The city used to be an Agent Orange/dioxin "hotspot" with recorded contamination levels to be between one hundred to a thousand times higher than the authorised level.

Hong had been diagnosed with terminal liver and breast cancer, heart failure and high blood pressure. She suffered a miscarriage in her first pregnancy in 1969 and gave birth prematurely in three subsequent pregnancies with one child being born with congenial heart disease.

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