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Submitted by unname1 on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 20:48
The Vietnamese Party, State, and people consistently consider developing and consolidating the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China as a top priority in foreign policy.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized this at a June 6 reception for Liu Yunshan, Politburo member and Head of Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s Propaganda Department, who is in Vietnam to attend the 8th Theoretical Workshop between the two communist parties in Hanoi.

The Party chief said he is pleased that both countries have ironed out snags to maintain and develop their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership under the motto of “friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability and looking toward the future” and in the spirit of “good neighbours, good friends, good comrades, and good partners” for mutual benefit and for the sake of peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world as a whole.

Mr Trong expressed his belief that the 8th Theoretical Workshop will foster awareness of renewing the economic growth model to ensure sustainable development.

He spoke highly of theoretical talks between the two parties, saying they are crucial for strengthening ties between the two parties and states.

The Party leader asked Liu to pass on his wishes to Party General Secretary and State President Hu Jintao and other Chinese leaders, and said he believes that under the sound leadership of the CPC, Chinese people will successfully implement the 12th five-year plan and organize the 18th National Party Congress.

Liu briefed his host on China’s development situation and said the Chinese Party and State always respect the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam, which is necessary to consolidate both parties’ status and accelerate the building of socialism in the two countries.

He also reaffirmed China’s policy of settling disputes satisfactorily and fostering cooperation between the two parties and states.

Liu also took the opportunity to convey best wishes from Party General Secretary Hu Jintao to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

**The same day, a Vietnamese delegation led by Dinh The Huynh, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Head of the Commission for Communications and Education, held talks with the Chinese delegation.

Both sides briefed each other on recent situation of each Party and nation, and discussed relations between the two Parties and countries, their work on theory and thought, orientation and plans for cooperation between both sides, as well as international and regional issues of mutual concerns.

They also signed an agreement on mechanism for cooperation and exchange between the two commissions, thus deepening their cooperation and contributing to developing the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and countries.

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