Reviewing the world situation and Vietnam’s history in the 20th century and the first years in the current 21st century, we find that our Party and people have chosen the right path.
The Vietnamese people have a tradition of patriotism and heroism who have defeated many cruel feudalist and imperialist forces. The patriotic movement rose up strongly immediately after the French colonialists invaded our country. Revolts and uprisings broke out throughout the country and attracted the participation of people from all social strata including feudal intellectuals and mandarins. However, patriotic movements such as Can Vuong (Royalist), Duy Tan and Dong Du, and insurrections such as Yen The, Yen Bai and many others were all mercilessly repressed by the French. Despite their patriotism, wisdom and courage, feudalists and representatives of the bourgeoisie failed to resolve national conflicts and could not find a correct way out for the country.
But then a solution was found by history itself. Marxism came into being and unveiled the fact that capitalism would certainly be replaced by a better regime which was communism. The October Revolution in Russia broke out at a time when capitalism seemed to be at its height. It ushered in a new era in world history, creating a tidal wave of national liberation and paving the way for oppressed peoples around the world to rise up and advance towards socialism.
This ‘brave new world’ had a strong positive impact on Vietnam where “the brutality of capitalism and colonialism already prepared the soil and communism was fit to sow the seeds of liberation”. The driving force behind this change was none other than Nguyen Ai Quoc. Under the energetic and skilful efforts of leader Nguyen Ai Quoc, Marxism-Leninism was combined with patriotism and the workers’ movement led to the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1930. The Party declared their intent to pursue a policy of “bourgeois democratic and local revolution towards communism”. Following that statement, with the Party’s creativeness and with the joint efforts and support of the people, Vietnam resolved to build socialism. Socialism then became an engine for the country’s development.
Drawing the inspiration for their revolutionary consciousness and practical activities, the Party successfully led the August 1945 Revolution which created a spark that ignited national liberation movements among colonial nations around the world. Led by the Party, the Vietnamese people successfully conducted two resistance wars against two “imperialist giants” and heralding a post-Vietnam non-colonialist period for all colonial and dependant countries in the world.
Over the last 63 years, with its history of wresting back and defending national independence and socialism, and in particular, the past 22 years of coordinating national renewal process, the Communist Party of Vietnam has proven itself worthy to represent Vietnam’s strong will and to be the vanguard of the people and keeping the nation on track to achieve the goals and aims of socialism. The Party has shown its independence and sovereignty in all its domestic and external policies to lead the country to a new position in the region and the world.
However, difficulties remain ahead. Last year, the country was attacked by long cold spells and natural disasters including floods and epidemics as well as man-made disasters like the global financial crisis. However, under the Party leadership, Vietnam has overcome these challenges and obtained impressive results. It recorded a GDP of 6.23 percent – a high rate of growth by world standards. Its total registered foreign direct investment (FDI) surpassed US$ 60 billion, which was the highest rate so far in the country and among the highest-rates in Southeast Asia. Social stability and security have been ensured. And, added to these fortunes, Vietnam’s national football team won the Southeast Asian championship.
All these outcomes promise a bright prospect in the new year.
Prof. Dr. Vu Van Hien, Party CC member, General Director of VOV Radio
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