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4 years 9 months
Submitted by ctv_en_4 on Mon, 03/27/2006 - 10:00
Rapacity is one of the chronic diseases that Vietnam has made every effort to combat it over the years to regain people’s trust in State management agencies, particularly the inspection sector. One of the solutions is to conduct a clean sweep of inspectors to select competent ones with a high sense of responsibility and revolutionary virtues to fulfil missions entrusted to them by the Party, State and people.

In his article “Renewing the working style” published in October 1947, President Ho Chi Minh wrote “Individualism is a kind of bacteria, which leads to dangerous diseases”. According to author, these diseases include rapacity, laziness, arrogance, greed for fame, indiscipline and small-mindedness.

To realise the goal of “a rich people, a strong country and an equitable, democratic and civilised society”, the fight against individualism must be given top priority in society in the past or at present. Naturally, individualism is the enemy of the genuine interest of human beings and this kind of interest is closely linked to the common interest of the entire nation. Fighting individualism means fighting diseases that arise. But how can we uncover the diseases once they lie in nature of several ranking officials in society?

To fight individualism, we first fight rapacity, and to do this, we must use honest people. Honesty and rapacity are like water and fire. To remedy the “disease”, we need a powerful State agency (here is the Government Inspectorate), which is required to comprise honest people. But in fact, the agency has several greedy figures like deputy heads Luong Cao Khai, Duong Van Luc and Bui Xuan Bay, who were found to be involved in bribery scandals. Ironically, these ranking officials were authorised to inspect other greedy people.

When inspecting projects undertaken by the Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation, these powerful officials took bribes from corrupt people and legalised their violations. With a helping hand from these officials and several other people involved in the scandal in the corporation were found not guilty.

When hearing this news, all people of conscience were shocked and they wondered if conclusions of dozens of other inspections by these officials were correct.

Every year, the State Inspectorate (now the Government Inspectorate) sends missions headed by these officials to sectors and localities to inspect the implementation of projects. Who can be sure that they do not take bribes to neglect violations? There are many seriously alleged scandals, but after inspections, they are found not guilty or violations are described as minor. In these cases, the powerful inspectors suggested that project investors and contractors deal with violations internally to draw lessons.

Another question is raised: how to ranking officials of the inspection sector, from the central to local levels, live a luxurious life? People are asked to keep a close watch on these ranking officials and their incomes in all localities. This activity is normal because these ranking officials are requested to make public their assets and incomes. There is nothing to say if their incomes are justifiable. But in this case, people wondered how the Party organisation of the Government Inspectorate received the title “the pure and strong Party organisation” when three of its deputy heads were found to be guilty.

An important thing is to make a clean sweep of inspectors so that they must be both “red” and “expert”. In fact, we do not lack competent inspectors, but they are required to have revolutionary virtues and they must not be shaken or baited by money. To acquire revolutionary virtues, these inspectors, regardless of their age or working experience, should train themselves constantly. They are advised to learn and follow Ho Chi Minh Thought and revolutionary virtues.    

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