Promoting industrialisation and modernization
Under the titles “the 11th Congress with its historic responsibility,” the Phap Luat Viet Nam (Vietnam Law) newspaper quoted the political report presented by the Party’s General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, in which he emphasized that the 2011-2020 economic development strategy is aimed at promoting the industrialisation and modernization process and sustainable development, making Vietnam become a socialist-oriented industrialised country.
The 2011-2015 period is considered to be very important in the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy for 2011-2020. In the next five years, Vietnam should make greater efforts to achieve major targets including economic growth rate of 7-7.5 percent, per capita income of US$2,000 by 2015, agriculture representing 17-18 percent of GDP, industry and construction, 41-42 percent, services, 41-42 percent, and the rate of trained labourers 55 percent.
In order to reach import-export balance by 2020, export revenues will annually go up by 12 percent while import surplus will be gradually controlled. State overspending will represent only 4.5 percent of GDP by 2015. Eight million jobs will be created and the population will grow by 1 percent by 2015. Average longevity will reach 74 in 2015 and the poverty rate will see a yearly reduction of 2 percent while forest coverage will reach 42-43 percent in 2015.
In the meanwhile, the Nguoi Lao Dong (Labourer) newspaper affirmed the Party’s goal of promoting the renewal process by quoting the Party leader’s report which underlines the importance of completing of the socialist-oriented market economic institution, renewing the growth model and economic structure and accelerating the industrialisation and modernisation process, developing culture, education and training, and science and technology, protecting the environment, achieving social equality and progress, ensuring national security, and expanding diplomatic ties with other countries over the world.
Significant achievements
Some newspapers highlighted Vietnam’s significant achievements over the past 25 years, which were mentioned by State President Nguyen Minh Triet in his speech of the Congress. The Tien Phong (Vanguard) online newspaper quoted President Triet as saying that Vietnam has been successfully in the early stage of the renewal process, bringing the country out of its underdeveloped-nation status; reinforcing the nation’s strengths in all fields; improving the people’s living condition, raising Vietnam’s prestige and position in the international arena, and laying a firm foundation for sustainable development.
Meanwhile, the Phap Luat Viet Nam newspaper praised the achievement while citing General Secretary Nong Duc Manh’s report saying that despite the economy’s shortcomings and challenges caused by natural disasters, epidemics, and the global economic crisis, Vietnam has made great efforts to achieve the targets set by the 10th National Congress of the Party.
The An ninh Thu do (Capital Security), Tien Phong, and Cong An thanh pho Ho Chi Minh (HCM police) emphasized the Party’s economic development strategy for 2011-2020 aimed at promoting the process of industrialization and modernization, to ensure fast and sustainable development, towards a socialist-oriented industrialized country.
Thee breakthrough steps
To this end, the strategy is focused on five development viewpoints and three breakthrough steps including completing the socialist-oriented market economic institution through the improvement of an equal competitive climate, pushing through administrative reform; developing the human resources, especially high-quality workforce through the national educational system; and associate human-resource development with scientific and technological development and application and the upgrading of infrastructure facilities.
The Congress also defined the targets for the next five years including improving the Party’s leadership role and combative capacity, building a transparent and strong political system, pushing through administrative reform, promoting democracy and national unity to ensure fast and sustainable development and improve the people’s material and spiritual living conditions, maintaining socio-political stability, strengthening external activities, maintaining national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.
Meanwhile, the Nong thon ngay nay (Today rural areas) newspaper stressed the importance of personnel work in the process of Party building and national development.
In addition to economic development, national security; external relationship; global integration; cultural, educational and scientific-technological development, environmental protection, and social equality and progress are important issues in the future development of Vietnam.
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