Domino effect of Brexit

VOV.VN - After the UK voted to leave the EU, some EU member countries expressed their intent to break with the organization. EU leaders have called for efforts to avoid a domino effect. 

Brexit has triggered right-wing parties’ call for a similar referendum in each EU member country. 

On July 26, a far-right party in Slovakia’s parliament said it will propose a poll on Slovakia’s leaving the EU. Marian Kotleba, leader of The People's Party – Our Slovakia said on his personal facebook account that this is the right time for Slovakia to leave the “sinking European Titanic”. 

He said his party will begin to collect voters’ signatures to demand a referendum on leaving the EU. 

Slovakia has a population of 5.4 million and joined the EU in 2004 and the Eurozone in 2009. This country will take over the EU presidency from the Netherlands as from July 1. 

At the general election in March, Mr. Kotleba’s party won 14 seats in the parliament and the ruling camp is a centre-right coalition.

Earlier, far-right parties in France and the Netherlands demanded their own referendum on EU membership. 

Marine Le Pen, president of France’s National Front party said the French should have the freedom of choice like the Britons. 

Anti-migrant politician Geert Wilders of the Netherlands said his country deserves a vote similar to what has just happened in the UK. Italy’s far-right Northern League declared: “It’s now time for our turn”.

Belgium, Finland and Hungary have also intended to follow the UK’ steps. Many suggested the EU promptly review its migrant crisis. EU leaders have dispelled worry of Brexit’s domino effect.

European Council President Donald Tusk expressed determination to sustain unity among 27 remaining members. He assured that European laws continue to be applied on the UK, its rights and duties before the UK officially leaves the EU.

The European Central Bank released a statement, assuring that the eurozone banking system has enough capital and liquidity to withstand Brexit effect and will pump more euros or foreign currencies to stabilize markets.

Brexit’s domino effect prevention will be one of the agenda of the EU summit on June 28 and 29.

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