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Submitted by ctv_en_5 on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 20:00
The following is part one of the article written by Asso Prof, Dr Vu Van Hien General Director of Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) about the role of the media in the fight against “peaceful evolution” scheme by hostile forces.

"Peaceful evolution" is an important part of hostile forces’ global counter-revolutionary strategy aimed at combating socialist nations and movements for national independence in a concerted and complicated manner.

Peaceful evolution finds its way into all aspects of political, ideological, economic, cultural and social affairs by all means. The "peaceful evolution" strategy mainly consists of "non military" measures but it can be reinforced with rebellion, subversion, armed intervention and even invasion if opportunities permit.

In the whole scheme of peaceful evolution, the media, particularly including the press, of the enemy play an important part in opposing Vietnam.

Over the past years, hostile forces have established nearly 40 TV and radio stations to broadcast special Vietnamese-language programmes and have published almost 50 newspapers, magazines and news bulletins in Vietnamese overseas.

Serving as a sharp tool in the ideological struggle, the Vietnamese press has constantly criticised hostile viewpoints to rectify the deviated tendencies in Party members and other sections of the population.
In recent times, the Vietnamese press has made positive contributions to the fight against peaceful evolution.

First, it regularly and timely rejects the enemy’s biased and slanderous allegations and lays bare their dark moves behind important events.

Newspapers and magazines including VOV provide regular features and commentaries on hostile forces’ "peaceful evolution" scheme, clearly reflecting the combativeness of the Vietnamese press.

Second, the style of writing is critical but convincing to win the hearts and minds of people.
In carrying out their functions and tasks, press agencies have their own ways to refute the enemy’s distortions and wrongdoings. VOV, Vietnam Television (VTV), Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper, Quan Doi Nhan Dan (People’s Army) Newspaper and the Communist Magazine are the most important tools which have provided a long series of sharp commentaries.

Third, all press agencies are active in combating the enemy’s scheme of peaceful evolution in different ways, from laying bare their wicked moves behind hot events to attacking the weaknesses of the capitalist society, from coping with their criticism to systemically putting forward the Party and State’s leading viewpoints on such major issues as freedom, democracy, human rights, ownership, multi-sectoral and socialist-oriented economy.

Fourth, the Vietnamese press is fully aware of the need to fight and build at the same time. Fighting peaceful revolution is not only to reject fabrications, distortions and slanders but, more importantly, to demonstrate the Party and State’ correct guidelines and policies, aimed at consolidating the stance of people, especially Party members who are a focal point in the peaceful evolution scheme of the enemy.

If we, media workers, are well prepared and highly combative, we will certainly smash the enemy’s scheme of peaceful evolution.

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