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Sat, 09/28/2024 - 11:37
Submitted by maithuy on Sun, 09/18/2011 - 10:15
The UN Security Council unanimously adopted on September 16 a resolution on the establishment of a UN support mission for Libya with an initial period of three months and easing some sanctions on the country.

While the resolution marks the start of Libya's transition from war to post-conflict reconstruction, analysts here warn that the reconstruction process would be faced with enormous challenges.

According to resolution on September 16, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) will be under the leadership of a special representative of the secretary-general. The mandate of UNSMIL is to assist and support Libyan national efforts in restoring public security and order and promoting the rule of law; undertaking inclusive political dialogue, promoting national reconciliation and embarking upon the constitution-making and electoral process; restoring public service; promoting and protecting human rights; taking the immediate steps required to initiate economic recovery as well as coordinating supports that may be requested from other multilateral and bilateral actors.

Compared with UN peacekeeping mission including peacekeeping forces and police, the key element of the UNSMIL lies in its political nature with the focus on helping Libya achieve peace and stability through assisting its authorities to draft constitution and organize elections.

The UNSMIL will include an estimated 200 political advisors, said a diplomatic source.

Also on the morning of September 16, the 66th General Assemble approved the legitimate UN seat for the NTC. Hours later, the Security Council adopted a resolution, lifting all sanctions against the Libyan National Oil Corporation and Zueitina Oil company and easing sanctions imposed on the Central Bank of Libya, the Libyan Investment Authority and other financial institutions, further clearing up fund shortage obstacle on the road to Libya's reconstruction.

UN envoys from the United States, Britain, France and Germany labeled September 16 as a historic and successful day for Libya and vowed to stand with the Libyan people.


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