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Submitted by unname1 on Sat, 10/08/2011 - 10:32
A United Nations Security Council committee is meeting on October 7 to consider a Palestinian bid for UN membership.
The Security Council referred the request to the special committee last week.

The Palestinians hope the UN process will gain them statehood. But the move is opposed by the Obama Administration and Israel. The United States has promised to veto the bid if it comes before the full Security Council for a vote.

Washington and others have been urging Israel and the Palestinians to resume peace talks, which broke down last year.

On October 8, the Quartet of Mideast peace negotiators met in Brussels to discuss how to revive negotiations. The group comprises of the US, the European Union, UN representatives and Russia.

Palestinian officials say talks cannot go forward unless Israel agrees to stop building new settlements. The Palestinians oppose building on land they want as part of a future state.

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