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Submitted by unname1 on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 16:09
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said in Seoul on Thursday that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) should be given humanitarian aid regardless of "political considerations or any other calculations".

The Republic of Korea (RoK) used to send 400,000 tonnes of rice to the DPRK every year but suspended the shipments in 2008 because of rising cross-border tensions.

Seoul's government fears any resumption of the aid could see the staple diverted to the DPRK's 1.1-million-strong military, although it allows small amounts of aid to be shipped through the Red Cross or NGOs.

But Ban, who is from southern Korea himself, told journalists in Seoul that UN agencies had confirmed through inspections earlier this year as many as 6.1 million people faced a "serious humanitarian crisis" in the DPRK.

"As far as humanitarian aid is concerned, political considerations or any other calculations must not be taken into account," Ban said, speaking in his native tongue.

"The most important thing is to save human lives. And even for the sake of overall inter-Korean relations and reconciliation, it is desirable for the South Korean government to consider (aid to the North) positively in forward-looking manner," he said.


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