Khanh Hoa promotes tourism potential in RoK

VOV.VN - The Nha Trang-Khoanh Hoa Tourism Association had a working session with the Tourism Association of the Republic of Korea’s province of South Jeolla (Jeollanam-do) in Gwangju city on August 29 to explore tourism cooperation between the two sides.

Hoang Van Vinh, chairman of the Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Tourism Association, briefed his hosts on Khanh Hoa’s tourism potential, saying it is the only Vietnamese locality that boasts three bays - Nha Trang, Van Phong and Cam Ranh. Of the three bays, Nha Trang is one of the most beautiful bays in the world, with a rich and diverse ecosystem which is famous for agarwood and bird’s nests.

He pointed out that both sides have great potential for tourism cooperation, citing the fact that the National Assembly of Vietnam has decided to extend foreigners’ e-visa validity to 90 days from the current 30 days, starting on August 15, while South Jeolla has recently agreed to exempt visas for Vietnamese people.

Khanh Hoa desires to bolster cooperation with South Jeolla, especially in touorism, he stressed.

During the working session, the two sides signed cooperation documents between the two tourism associations and their travel businesses.

Statistics show Khanh Hoa welcomed more than 650,000 Korean visitors in the past eight months of the year, making up 75% of the total number of foreign travelers to the locality.

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