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Submitted by unname1 on Fri, 10/07/2011 - 09:50
The Swedish Academy awarded one of Sweden’s most famous living poets, Tomas Tranströmer, the 2011 Nobel Prize for Literature on October 7 - making him the first Swede in nearly 40 years to win the award.

This is not the first literary award for Tomas Tranströmer, whose poems have been translated into nearly 60 languages over the last five decades.

Tranströmer - a trained psychologist - first emerged on the literary scene in 1954, with his collection, called 17 Dikter, or 17 poems, published by Bonnier.

He still works with the same Stockholm-based publisher today.

Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy Peter Englund made the announcement, defending the academy’s pick of a Swede, by saying it was a “thoughtful” process.

Awards for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and for work in peace were first given in 1901. Tranströmer becomes the 107th recipient of the literary award.

Along with the award, the 80-year-old is awarded about US$1.5 million.


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