Vietnam proposes disaster risk reduction measures to UN

A Vietnamese representative stressed three measures to reduce disaster risks and cope with climate change based on Vietnam’s practical experience at a plenary meeting on sustainable development of the UN Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee) in New York on October 9.

Ngo Gia Thuan, First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations, said the issue must be dealt with in relation with the overall implementation of plans serving sustainable growth goals, and through interaction with other arenas such as science-technology development and gender equality.

The diplomat continued to say that there is a need for further development assistance to help low- and middle-income nations which are vulnerable to disasters improve their resilience capacity.

Disaster risk reduction responsibilities should be shared among involved units in both the public and private sectors, he added.

According to Thuan, Vietnam has been proactive in responding to climate change with support from UN bodies.

Vietnam has boosted public awareness of the matter, included the prevention of disaster risks in its legal system, and established a committee and a national strategy on climate change, he noted.

At the meeting, on behalf of ASEAN, the Philippines stressed the bloc’s inner and international cooperation in climate change adaptation and reiterated its commitment to the Paris Agreement.

The Philippines called for advanced countries which support the climate accord to assist the Southeast Asian region in building low-carbon and climate-change-resilient cities.

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Mekong Delta faces big challenges: Climate change, hydropower plants
Mekong Delta faces big challenges: Climate change, hydropower plants

Mekong Delta, the rice granary of Vietnam, is facing three big challenges due to the impact of climate change, unsustainable development and hydropower plants on the Mekong River, according to Nguyen Huu Thien, an independent expert on Mekong Delta ecology.

Mekong Delta faces big challenges: Climate change, hydropower plants

Mekong Delta faces big challenges: Climate change, hydropower plants

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