Vietnam continues co-operation with WIPO in intellectual property

VOV.VN - A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Hoang Giang is attending the 64th series of meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), with the event being held in Geneva from July 10 to July 13.

Upon addressing a session on IP and development on July 11, Deputy Minister Giang pointed out some of the challenges facing the world like epidemics, climate change, and food insecurity have been impacting economies and the life of millions of people around the globe.

In order to resolve those problems, it remains necessary to continue stepping up multilateral co-operation, realising the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and encouraging the development of science, technology, and innovation, with IP being a key tool.

He greatly valued the WIPO initiatives aimed at assisting member states, especially those targeting priority groups such as small- and medium-sized enterprises, women, and the young in the use of IP rights as a tool to fuel further economic growth, attract investment, create jobs, and improve the community’s life quality.

The nation will therefore keep co-operating alongside the WIPO in developing an inclusive, balanced, and effective global IP ecosystem which enables innovation for the sake of all, the official emphazised.

At a meeting held with Daren Tang, director general of the WIPO, on July 11, Deputy Minister Giang showed his elation at the strengthened ties between the nation and the WIPO, which indicates the Vietnamese Party, State, and Government leaders’ attention to science, technology, and innovation, of which IP is an important factor.

He also hailed both sides’ close and fruitful ties in terms of implementing technical co-operation activities, such as in the National IP Strategy, the Global Innovation Index, and the Provincial Innovation Index.

The official also witnessed the signing of a co-operation deal between WIPO and the IP Office of Vietnam on a research, training, support, and advisory centre to help local experts, businesses, and civil servants improve their skills and knowledge.

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