​Video reveals Saigon sewers filled with trash

It’s not uncommon to see Ho Chi Minh City resident throwing garbage into sewers, chocking them off during heavy downpours and causing chronic floods during rainy season.

A pile of trash collected from sewers along Vo Van Tan Street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on June 20, 2018, is seen in this screenshot
A video posted by Nguoi Lao Dong (Laborer) newspaper on June 20 showed a team of workers from the state-run Urban Drainage Company in Ho Chi Minh City clearing massive amount of trash from sewers along Vo Van Tan Street in District 3 earlier that same day.
A pile of trash collected from sewers along Vo Van Tan Street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on June 20, 2018, is seen in this screenshot

Though the crew goes through the unclogging routine once a month, their efforts do little to combat the pileup of plastic bottles, needles, glass, and other waste clogging the district’s sewer grates.

Do Xuan Tu, the team leader, said the root of the problem is the habit of leaving bags of rubbish on the side of the road, rather in a dumpster. 

The bags are then usually moved into the drains by heavy winds or rain water.

Another cause, Tu said, is residents know unthinkingly throw used bottles into sewer grates.

A worker sits near a pipe used to pump mud out of a sewer along Vo Van Tan Street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on June 20, 2018, in this screenshot

“We don’t flinch from hard work, but we do hope city residents increase their awareness of the matter [of disposing garbage properly].”

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