US, Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange meet

Representatives of the second and third generations of Agent Orange (AO) victims from Vietnam and the United States met in Hanoi on July 29.

They discussed experience in raising public awareness of AO/dioxin and calling for more support for victims.

The Chairman of the Vietnam Association for Victims of AO/Dioxin (VAVA), Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Rinh, said he hopes representatives of the second and third generations in the two countries will become a bridge connecting victims and international organisations.

The head of the US delegation, Heather Bowser, said she felt the pain left by this toxic chemicals after visiting affected areas in Vietnam.

She hoped that the two sides will continue linking victims to fight against chemical warfare.

The US delegation is visiting Vietnam from July 28-August 7.

About 80 million litres of herbicides, mainly AO containing dioxin, were sprayed over South Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

Nearly 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to dioxin and about three million suffer from health problems today. 

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