UN praises Vietnam’s response to typhoon Haiyan

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has hailed Vietnam’s efforts to brace itself for super typhoon Haiyan, the 14th hitting the country this year.

In its press release, the UNDP praised the Government of Vietnam’s proactive pre-storm measures, which have helped to save lives and mitigate the impact of typhoon Haiyan, which killed thousands in the Philippines.

Haiyan made landfall in Haiphong and Quang Ninh in the early hours of November 11 while eleven central and central northern provinces were pounded by heavy rainfall and high winds from the movement of the storm system offshore for 24 hours.

After making landfall, Haiyan quickly weakened into a tropical depression as it moved further inland, and changed its course towards southern China.

For the first time, the Vietnamese Prime Minister activated the highest state of preparedness on November 8, three days before the storm made landfall, the release said.

As part of preparedness and mitigation measures, nearly 800,000 people were evacuated ahead of the storm. By the time the typhoon finally came ashore in the North, most of those evacuated in the central provinces had already returned home, it added.

Central and provincial authorities were also placed on the highest level of alert to take all necessary preventive and response measures. A high-level Government delegation was deployed to direct operations, before, during and after the emergency.

“We are impressed by the extraordinary preparedness measures taken by the Government to cope with the storm. Strong leadership, right from the highest level, played a key role in minimising the impact and human losses, said Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam.

Both civil and military authorities were fully prepared. Each province had stockpiled on food, water, sanitation equipment, and medical supplies. Humanitarian workers of the UN system and INGOs recognised and praised the Government’s proactive preventive measures ahead of the storm.

The Government of Vietnam has well controlled the situation but the UN agency keeps close contact with the authorities and other humanitarian partners, and is ready to render international assistance if need be.

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