Two arrested for alleged rule violations in Mobifone

Former General Director of State-run telecom firm Mobifone Cao Duy Hai and an incumbent Deputy General Director of the company Pham Thi Phuong Anh have been arrested in connection with violations of rules on public investment capital at the firm. 

Former General Director of State-run telecom firm Mobifone Cao Duy Hai (L) and incumbent Deputy General Director of the company Pham Thi Phuong Anh (Photo: Ministry of Public Security)
Based on investigation outcomes and collected evidence in the case of law violation at MobiFone, one of Vietnam’s three largest mobile network operators, the Investigation Police Agency under the Ministry of Public Security on November 12 issued decisions on prosecution, and arrest and house search warrants against Cao Duy Hai and Pham Thi Phuong Anh both on the charge of “violating regulations on management and use of public investment capital causing serious consequences”, under Clause 3, Article 220 of the 2015 Penal Code.

The decisions and warrants were approved by the Supreme People’s Procuracy of Vietnam on November 13.

Cao Duy Hai has been dismissed from his position as General Director of MobiFone last August. The MIC announced the decision to dismiss Hai was resulted from violations related to the purchase of AVG.
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