The Royal Crematorium of HM the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Taking almost a year to complete, the royal crematorium is now ready to perform its duty on October 26. 

The royal crematorium or Phra Meru Mas is a temporary structure built in the middle of the Sanam Luang Grounds for the cremation of the king or a high-ranking royal. For a member of the rayal lineage, it is called Phra Meru, and for the commoner, it is called Meru. 

The design of the Phra Meru Mas is based on the traditional belief of the earth and the universe. The Phra Meru Mas has a spired roof, and is surrounded by a fence. 

The structure measures 50.49 meters from the base to the top. It is made of wood, with an inner steel structure. 

The “heavenly pond” is found in the four directions of the Royal Crematorium base and is also decorated with auspicious animals, namely elephants, horses, cows, and lions. 

Sculptures of mythical creatures that exist in the Himmaphan (Himavanta) Forest, surround the base of Mount Sumeru. 

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