Technology nursery for Mekong Delta city to operate soon

Leaders from the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on July 1 worked with officials from the Republic of Korea to speed up the implementation of a technology nursery which is expected to be operational by 2015 in the city. 

The construction of the US$21-million project was kickstarted in November last year at the Tra Noc industrial park with an area of 12,000 square meters. 

It aims to build a research and development centre for farm produce and seafood processing and mechanical enginerering industries. 

This will not only help the region promote its agriculture advantage but also support farmers to access advanced technology for high-quality products. 

Managing director of the project Kim Hee Sup said the RoK will set up a Mekong Delta research institute in the country to promote exchanges between experts and students of the two sides. 

Vice Chairman of the Can Tho People’s Committee Truong Quang Hoai Nam said the city welcomes and will give full legal support for Korean businesses to register for operation there.

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