Singapore helps train Vietnamese officials

Some 20 senior government officials of Vietnam are attending a training programme on public administration, policy and governance from Nov. 11-28 by the Nanyang Centre for Public Administration under Singapore’s Nanyang Technology University.

This is the first group of some 160 officials to receive further training in 2014 and next years with sponsorship of Singapore’s Temasek Foundation.

Over the past seven years since 2007, Temasek Foundation has sponsored 17 programmes worth about 10 million SGD for Vietnam in education, healthcare and public administration fields, Gerald Yeo, Programme and Partnerships Director of Temasek Foundation, told Vietnam News Agency correspondents in Singapore.

He expressed his hope that this training programme for senior officials will be a “multiplier”, having “core training effect”, saying that “the participants would be able to implement some of what they have learnt back into the institutions.” 

According to Professor Liu Hong, Director of Nanyang Centre for Public Administration, in two weeks, the participants will interact with senior professors, former ministers and current Parliament members who will speak on Singapore’s experience in terms of urban development, economic development, social management, development of talents; leadership; and anti-corruption practices in Singapore.

The Vietnamese senior officials will also visit some Government agencies, the Parliament, industrial parks, gardens… so that they could have “first-hand knowledge about how Singapore has been successful in terms of social, economic, political development over the past years”, he added.

According to the Professor, the main objectives are to introduce Singapore practices, especially Singapore’s successful experiences, in public governance and administration, leadership development; to enhance relationship between Singapore and Vietnam; and to exchange opinions about how countries in Asia can develop fast and work closely.

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