Red-shanked douc langur chosen as Danang’s mascot

The central city of Danang has chosen the red-shanked douc langur as its mascot for the APEC Year to be hosted in the city in 2017.

The municipal Party’s Committee tasked the Department of Culture and Sports with popularising the mascot.

The red-shanked douc langur is listed in the Vietnam Red Book, and as a critically endangered species with unlimited protection by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

About 530 red-shanked douc langurs inhabit the Son Tra Nature Reserve – which is known for its rich biodiversity with 287 species of animals, 106 species of birds, and 15 rare wild animals under protection.

Featuring five colours, the red-shanked douc langur is nicknamed the "Queen of the primates" by the International Wildlife Protection Organization because of its beauty.

It lives in groups or in a family. They eat and sleep in trees and eat a diverse range of fruits and plants including the figs and the banyan leaves.

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Logo and mascot for Asian beach games approved
Logo and mascot for Asian beach games approved

The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has officially approved the logo and mascot for the 5th Asian Beach Games (ABG5) to be held in the central city of Da Nang in 2016, announced the Vietnam Sports Administration on July 1.

Logo and mascot for Asian beach games approved

Logo and mascot for Asian beach games approved

The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has officially approved the logo and mascot for the 5th Asian Beach Games (ABG5) to be held in the central city of Da Nang in 2016, announced the Vietnam Sports Administration on July 1.