PRD awards Sharing ASEAN video clip winner

The Government Public Relations Department (PRD) has held an award ceremony for the recently-concluded Sharing ASEAN video clip competition. 

The contest was one of the activities organized to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN. Deputy Director-General Dr Charoon Chaisorn said the Sharing ASEAN video clip competition aimed to promulgate the cultural uniqueness and beauty of Southeast Asian countries and to instill cultural pride in ASEAN people. 

More than 20 teams took part in the competition. Each had to produce a 3-5 minute documentary or reportage video clip on different aspects of ASEAN. Passion of ASEAN won first prize with the clip titled Amazing Thailand. The team was awarded 100 dollars in cash. 

The government has also prepared to launch a series of activities on the theme ‘ASEAN@50: For Now and Posterity,’ with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the main coordinator. The objectives are to highlight the role of Thailand as one of the founding members of ASEAN and raise public awareness on the importance of self and social betterment.
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