Over 2,400 samples test negative for COVID-19 in Quang Ninh

VOV.VN - The northern province of Quang Ninh has traced over 23,600 F1 and F4 contacts on January 30, and tested 4,670 cases, with over 2,400 samples coming back negative for the SARS-CoV-2-virus.

The overall number of samples taken currently stands at 6,690, with 4,670 samples tested, including 18 positive results and 2,401 negative results, whilst 2,251 tests are still being processed.

Due to this, a total of 688 out of 855 F1 cases in Quang Ninh have now tested negative for SARS-CoV-2.

All suspected cases have been isolated in medical facilities or at home in line with regulations.

Among the 18 positive cases, one is now undergoing treatment at the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Dong Anh district of Hanoi, whilst the remaining 17 are isolated for treatment at Hospital No. 2 in Ha Long City and the Vietnam - Sweden Uong Bi Hospital, with their health remaining in a stable condition.

Furthermore, Hanoi recorded an additional COVID-19 infection case in the early hours of January 30, involving an individual who had recently returned from the northern province of Hai Duong.

The 41-year-old man resides in Xuan Phuong ward of Nam Tu Liem district and works for a factory located on the outskirts district of Dong Anh.

On January 16, he came into close contact with a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) patient in Kinh Mon district of Hai Duong province, according to the Hanoi Centre for Disease Control.

He went on to display symptoms such as a cough, fatigue, and a headache, before going to the medical centre in Nam Tu Liem district to report his travel history on January 29. The result from his sample came back positive for COVID-19 one day later.

The man is now in the process of receiving treatment at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases No. 2 in Dong Anh district.

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