Over 1,700 foreign experts okayed to work in industrial zones

VOV.VN - Despite the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the central province of Quang Ngai has received more than 1,700 foreign experts who will continue their work in local industrial zones and clusters.


A healthcare centre in Binh Son district of Quang Ngai province is used as a treatment and isolation area for COVID-19 patients.

Upon their arrival in the province, all of the foreigners were placed into quarantine facilities in line with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health’s regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control.

The province has plans to welcome another 340 Vietnamese citizens who have been repatriated from abroad, with a flight scheduled to land at Da Nang International Airport on July 23.

The end of the month is also set to see as many as 250 Lao and Cambodian students enter the country ahead of the start of the new academic year.

Each of these individuals will undergo medical check-ups and will be placed into quarantine facilities located at military bases across the country.

Dang Ngoc Dung, vice chairman of the Quang Ngai administration, requested that relevant agencies assist foreign experts in returning to work on the condition that they must complete the 14-day quarantine period according to existing regulations, in an attempt to prevent the possible recurrence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the community.

Vietnam has brought the COVID-19 epidemic under control with no new locally transmitted infections detected for more than three months.

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