No Vietnamese victim reported in car crash in Germany

No Vietnamese citizen was confirmed among the victims in the car crash in Münster city in the German west state of Nordrhein-Westfalen as of 22:00 on April 7 (local time), according to the Embassy of Vietnam in Germany.

Local police at the incident site
Two people died and 20 others were left injured, including six critically, after a mini-bus was driven at high speed towards a crowd in the downtown of Münster city earlier the same day, said local police, adding that the driver killed himself with a gun.

The embassy said it has been working closely with German authorities and the oversea Vietnamese community in Germany on the incident if any overseas Vietnamese person involved.

According to State Minister of Internal Affairs Herbert Reul, the mini-bus driver is believed to be a German national, 49, who was not an extremist and had mental issue. However, a terrorist attack was not ruled out. Security has been tightened in Münster and other cities.

The German Government has sent condolences to the families of the victims in the incident.
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