New cold snap to hit northern Vietnam

A new cold spell is expected to come to the northern region of Vietnam from tomorrow, March 25, with temperatures in high mountainous areas to drop as low as below 11 degrees Celsius.

According to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, temperatures in northern localities, including Hanoi, are set to plunge to between 14 and 17 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile the temperature for mountainous areas will be 12-15 degrees Celsius.

Particularly, high mountainous areas will see temperatures of below 11 degrees Celsius.

The cold spell will bring drizzle for the region in some days to come.

On late afternoon of March 25, the Central Highlands and southern regions are forecast to see strong wind and even sleet.

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Northern Vietnam braces for hailstorms as cold snap bites
Northern Vietnam braces for hailstorms as cold snap bites

Hanoi and northern parts of the country can expect whirlwinds and hailstorms.

Northern Vietnam braces for hailstorms as cold snap bites

Northern Vietnam braces for hailstorms as cold snap bites

Hanoi and northern parts of the country can expect whirlwinds and hailstorms.