Ministry targets 1.6 million more jobs in 2014

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) has set its 2014 target of creating 1.6 million jobs, giving vocational training to 1.7 million people and reducing the ratio of poor households by 1.7%-2% compared to 2013.

At a teleconference to launch its yearly tasks on January 6, the MOLISA aimed to send 87,000 workers abroad this year. 

More efforts will also be made to ensure children enjoy their rights and those facing difficult conditions are protected and cared for in a healthy environment. 

The MOLISA will also do more to enhance gender equality and women’s engagement in socio-economic activities, while strengthening the prevention and fight against human trafficking. 

Addressing the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam recognised sectors’ important contributions in ensuring social welfare - one of the key tasks for 2013 set by the Government. 

However, he also pointed out that the management and coordination between the ministry and sectors in the work has been poor, causing many shortcomings. 

The Deputy PM asked the MOLISA to focus on vocational training reforms in a profound and comprehensive manner. 

The ministry should act as a bridge for needy localities and those with abundant labour force strength, he said. 

The export of labourers should be considered as a key part of the employment solution, he added. He also highlighted the need for better care for people who rendered services to the nation, ensuring social support and protection for children, improving gender equality, and tackling prostitution and drug use. 

Statistics show that more than 1.5 million labourers got jobs in 2013, including 88,155 working abroad. More than 1.7 million people, including 450,000 rural workers, received vocational training in the year, equivalent to 91.15% of the set target. 

The country’s average proportion of poor households in 2013 dropped to 7.8% in accordance with poverty criteria for the 2011-2015 period. In addition, all children under six years old got access to healthcare services and free education.

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