Localities well prepared for high school graduation exam

VOV.VN - Localities nationwide are ready for this year’s high school graduation exam on June 27-28 as preparations for the exam have been completed, according to Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong.

Localities have done a good job of assisting candidates in not only making a knowledge revision but also providing necessary support for disadvantaged candidates, said Thuong in a short interview granted to VOV.

According to the official, localities have launched communication campaigns to warn candidates not to use high-tech devices, and authorities will strictly handle cases of intentional violations.

The Ministry of Education and Training, relevant ministries, agencies and localities have made thorough preparations to ensure the exam will take place in a safe, serious manner and according to regulations, the Deputy Minister stated.

More than 1 million students have registered to sit this year’s high school graduation exam across localities nationwide.

They will do four tests, including three compulsory tests (mathematics, literature and a foreign language). They will also sit an optional combined test in either natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) or social sciences (history, geography, and civic education).  

The results of the graduation exam will be made public on July 17.

The high school graduation exam is considered the most important event in a student’s life time after they complete 12 years in school. Its results will be used for admission to universities/colleges, which many view as the only way to find professional careers.

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High school students begin registering for graduation exam
High school students begin registering for graduation exam

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High school students begin registering for graduation exam

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High-school students to do four graduation tests as from 2025

High-school students to do four graduation tests as from 2025

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