Khmer-Vietnam primary school commences new school year

The General Association of Vietnamese Cambodian People launched the new academic year at the Khmer-Vietnam friendship primary school in Cambodia’s Prey Veng province on November 14.

Rector Nguyen Van Hao said the school welcomed over 200 Vietnamese and Cambodian children in seven classes, with two classes taught in the Cambodian language Khmer and five classes taught in Vietnamese. 

Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Thach Du thanked local authorities for enabling Vietnamese children to go to school and integrate into the host society. 

Later, a ceremony was held to inaugurate the staff house worth nearly US$56,000, with over US$41,000 provided by the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap. 

The Khmer-Vietnam friendship primary school was inaugurated in 2012, costing US$145,000, which was funded by Dong Thap’s Provincial People’s Committee.

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