Heavy rain experienced in North and North East of the country

Several parts of the country continued to experience heavy rains especially in the North and North East of Thailand.

In Chiang Rai, heavy downpour has caused the river in Phan district to overflow and flood the embankments as well as nearby homes, roads and farmlands. The latest amount of rain recorded in Mae Or sub-district was 189 millimeters high. 

Many people were caught off guard as they did not expect to experience such a heavy rain particularly at the beginning of winter. Some of them were forced to leave their belongings behind given how fast the flood water reached their homes. 

The provincial governor, Boonsong Techamaneesathit, instructed the provincial office of the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and related agencies to reach out to local residents affected. 

In the northeastern province of Khon Khaen, 70 homes in Ban Ped sub-district is now inundated after last night’s rainfall. Commuters are having difficulty traveling through the inundated area. Provincial authorities have been providing relief items to those affected by the flood while trying to drain the water from the streets. 

Meanwhile, the water level in the Mekong River in Nong Khai province increased to 6 meters overnight and flooded nearby farmlands and several piers. Both Thai and Laotian sand mining operators were forced to suspend their operations temporarily.
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