HCM City reports highest number of dengue fever cases

VOV.VN - Recent years has seen Ho Chi Minh City as one of the localities recording the highest number of dengue fever cases nationwide, according to Dr. Nguyen Van Vinh Chau, deputy director of the municipal Department of Health.

Dr. Chau made the statement recently at the launching ceremony of ASEAN Dengue Prevention Day.  

He revealed that since the beginning of the year until now, the city recorded 3,251 cases of dengue fever, with no fatalities being reported.

These cases have appeared in a total of 22 districts, including localities with a high number of cases such as Binh Chanh, Tan Phu, and Binh Tan.

Dr. Chau pointed out that primary risk of spreading dengue fever is through the midge mosquito, a type of mosquito that lives near humans.

People are therefore advised to proactively kill larvae and mosquitoes found at their homes and workplaces, wear long-sleeved clothes, and sleep under a mosquito net to prevent the disease.

According to the Department of Preventive Medicine, there are two types of mosquitoes that tend to cause dengue fever, including Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Female midges bite humans during the day, with the strongest bites occurring in the early morning and in the evening.

This type of mosquito transmits dengue fever by biting a person infected with the dengue virus, before then transmitting the disease to a healthy person through the bite.

In Vietnam, the disease is widespread both in urban and rural areas. Although it occurs year-round, it often breaks out into large epidemics during the rainy season, especially from July to October.

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