Happiest countries in the world revealed

VOV.VN - A new map of 140 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens.

And the results may surprise you, with Costa Rica, Mexico, Colombia, Vanuatu and Vietnam topping the league in descending order from first to fifth.

The map was compiled by the independent think tank New Economics Foundation (UK), using data from the latest Happy Planet Index (HPI) - a global measure of sustainable wellbeing.

The HPI is significant in that it is one of the only global indices that does not consider gross domestic product or peoples’ disposable incomes as a factor of well-being.

The ranking considers measures of life expectancy, subjective well-being, inequality of incomes and ecological footprint in order to show how efficiently residents of different countries are using environmental resources to lead long, happy lives.

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Vietnam enters Top 5 of 2009 Happy Planet Index
Vietnam enters Top 5 of 2009 Happy Planet Index

Vietnam is the only country in Asia to enter Top 5 of the 2009 Happy Planet Index (HPI), announced by the New Economics Foundation (NFF).

Vietnam enters Top 5 of 2009 Happy Planet Index

Vietnam enters Top 5 of 2009 Happy Planet Index

Vietnam is the only country in Asia to enter Top 5 of the 2009 Happy Planet Index (HPI), announced by the New Economics Foundation (NFF).