Hanoi’s 11th air monitoring station installed at French Embassy

The 11th air quality monitoring station of Hanoi was inaugurated at the French Embassy on July 16.

At the inauguration ceremony

The automated station constantly updates data on wind speeds and directions, rainfall, dust, ozone and air quality. Its equipment is connected to the city’s monitoring system, and all indices are publicised on the municipal People’s Committee’s portal.

At the same time, the station allows detailed study on pollution and sources of pollution.

Earlier, the French-based ENVEA, a renowned manufacturer in the field of environmental instrumentation, installed ten air quality monitoring stations in the city under the AFD/Airparif technical support project.

At the inauguration ceremony, French Ambassador to Vietnam Bertrand Lortholary said Vietnam and France see environment as prioritised cooperation. Activities carried out by Hanoi and Ile-de-France have contributed to this strategic target.

The air monitoring station at the French Embassy is a vivid illustration for the bilateral environmental collaboration, he said, adding it is also a highlight in the Hanoi – Ile-de-France partnership, especially on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of cooperation between the two localities.

At the event, the French Embassy displayed the “HoanKiemAir” 3D model, illustrating the relations between traffic and pollutant emissions in Hanoi.

The capital city now has 16 environmental monitoring stations, including 11 automated air quality monitoring stations, and five water monitoring stations. It targets 95 air quality monitoring stations by 2020 to have comprehensive evaluation system so that solutions will be mapped out to reduce pollution.

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