Hanoi prosecutes Nghe An resident for drug trafficking

VOV.VN - Police in Hanoi’s Hoang Mai district on July 25 decided to prosecute and detain a drug trafficker on a charge of illegally smuggling and trafficking drugs from Nghe An province to the capital.



Ha Duc Hanh, born in Nghe An in 1979, was caught red handed transporting the drugs from his native province to Hanoi via Phap Van – Cau Gie Highway in the capital city on July 16.

Searching his car, police confiscated several packages containing 318.718 grams of heroin, 942.464 grams of Ketamine, and 1,567.651 grams of Methamphetamine.

Hanh later confessed to having purchased the drugs from a person in Laos around the border area in Nghe An province. He was apprehended while attempting to smuggle the drugs haul into Hanoi for the purpose of consumption.

The case is currently under further investigation.

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