General Giap’s funeral grabs foreign media headlines

(VOV) -Leading media agencies throughout the world have run wide coverage of legendary Vietnamese General Vo Nguyen Giap’s funeral.

Reuters reported that Vietnamese poured into the capital on October 13 to bid farewell to General Giap, the general who masterminded historic defeats of French colonialists and US imperialists to become one of the 20th century's most important military commanders.

It described "Red Napoleon" Giap as a national legend with a domestic standing second only to the leader of Vietnam's struggle against colonialism, Ho Chi Minh.

General Giap was ranked by historians among giants such as Montgomery, Rommel and MacArthur for victories over vastly better equipped armies, Reuters said, adding that General Giap’s funeral has brought a show of unity.

Voice of America (VOA) said streets are blocked off in downtown Hanoi and major public events cancelled this weekend as Vietnam mourns the death of one of its most celebrated war heroes, General Vo Nguyen Giap.

VOA published a photo with former Party leader Le Kha Phieu standing between wreaths before paying respects to the late General at the National Funeral House in Hanoi on October 12.

Tens of thousands of mourners stood in line for hours outside the general’s home, many carrying yellow daisies to pay their respects to the man dubbed Vietnam’s “Red Napoleon” for his role in masterminding the battle of Dien Bien Phu, which ended French colonial rule in 1954, VOA reported.

China’s Xinhua news agency shed light on state funeral for General Giap held across the country on October 12-13, with tens of thousands of people gathering to say farewell to the national hero.

BBC carried an article saying that the general's death has prompted an extraordinary outpouring of emotion. It also reported that the Vietnamese flag outside Hanoi's Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum was lowered to half-mast to mark the start of the official mourning period.

Mexican state news agency NOTIMEX stressed that General Vo Nguyen Giap is one of the greatest figures of the 20th century, while the electronic daily Las 24 horas praised the deceased as a military genius who helps expel many armies of foreign aggressors.

Globalpost, America’s world news site, reported that the legendary war strategist is honored at a two-day state funeral in recognition of his role in the war effort against foreign invaders.

Along with President Ho Chi Minh, General Giap was highly respected among the Vietnamese people, the site added.

AFP ran an article featuring Vietnamese people mourning General Vo Nguyen Giap who died last week at the age of 103.

Lauded as a military genius for the guerrilla tactics that defeated both French and American aggressors, the General is being honoured with two days of national mourning.

A photograph of Giap and a gilt frame containing military medals was placed above his coffin, which was draped in the national flag.

His family, wearing black, stood close by while thick clouds of incense filled the room where his body lay in state.

Outside the funeral home, tens of thousands of people gathered - including war veterans with medals pinned to their chests, and teenagers with pictures of Giap emblazoned on their clothes - hoping to catch a final glimpse of the general, AP reported.

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